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/ The Macintosh Demo Applications CD / Apple-MacintoshDemoApplicationsCD-1.0-1992.iso / More Information / SuperPaint 3.0 / SP Pouch / Shapes / Spiral / Spiral.rsrc / PICT_17000_About.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1991-09-14  |  5KB  |  310x226  |  4-bit (6 colors)
OCR: Spiral To0} by Linda Mctennan rnodif ied by Mar Hughes Change shapes by double clicking the tool's icon for the Spiral Shapes dialog. Change spacing of spirals with keys (smallest) to largest Ho1d uMop the command key while to ge Bpokes tennan modified Marie 1argest Hold down 80okes To0199 MeLennan Huabes Spira drawing spokes